Open studio, Ermelo, Holland

Do you love to draw or paint, but at home you just don't get to it?
Come to our open studio in Ermelo, Holland, and get inspired and stimulated.

You work according to your own ideas and with your own materials.
Of course there are materials present in the studio, which you can use for an additional fee.

Dates and Prices 2022-2023 (subject to change)

We work with small groups of 4 to 5 participants.
You can sign up for the morning, afternoon or evening.

Tuesday afternoon, 13.30 - 15.00 hours. Full
Tuesday evening, 19.30 - 21.00 hours. Full
Wednesday afternoon, 13.30 - 15.00 hours. Full
Wednesday evening, 19.30 - 21.00 hours. Full
Thursday morning, 11.00 - 12.30 hours.


Tuesdays: 26/09, 10/10, 24/10, 07/11, 21/11, 12/12 2023 and 09/01, 23/01, 06/02, 27/02, 12/03, 26/03, 09/04, 23/04, 07/05 2024.
Wednesdays: 27/09, 11/10, 25/10, 08/11, 22/11, 13/12 2023 and 10/01, 24/01, 07/02, 28/02, 13/03, 27/03, 10/04, 24/04, 08/05 2024.
Thursdays: 28/09, 12/10, 26/10, 09/11, 23/11, 14/12 2023 and 11/01, 25/01, 08/02, 29/02, 14/03, 28/03, 11/04, 25/04, 09/05 2024.


The fee is € 258.75 for 15 lessons of 1.5 hrs, excl. materials and use of tools.

Drawing and painting
Glass mosaics
Painting lessons at home
Tailored workshops
Creative team building
Guest lectures at schools
Holiday workshops in Ermelo
Creative holidays in Greece