Mosaic project for the Gabriël School in Putten, Holland. Self-bricked bench with mosaics for the schoolyard.

The Gabriël primary school in Putten, asked Artista to start a mosaic project with the groups 5/8.

The intention was to brick a bench in the schoolyard and to cover it completely with colourful, weather-resistant glass mosaics.

The children chose the themes by themselves and made the designs accompanied by Esther Suzanne Koppe-Verburgt. The designs were depicted in glass mosaic on large mats of fiberglass mesh. These mats were then glued on the bench, after which they were grouted and nicely polished. Finally, a protective coating was applied.

Now the bench is ready for use and admiration!

Project management: Artista.

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Tailored art projects
Social art projects
Art projects for schools