Mosaic benches project for the municipality of Ermelo, Holland. Four benches and two statues with glass mosaics along the cycle route from Ermelo to the sheepfold on the heath.
The area platform Ermelo-East asked Artista to think about the spending of a single amount awarded by the municipality of Ermelo, in accordance with the following objectives:
art in the area - functional art - colour in the area - resting places - playing possibility
Artista came up with the idea to decorate four cast stone benches and two concrete sheep with lambs with colourful glass mosaics and placing them along the bike / walking route from the village to the sheepfold, just outside Ermelo town. This suggestion was well received by the platform and subsequently received approval from the city council. Anneke Kamerling, together with her colleagues Esther Verburgt, Fernanda Hulman and Henny Verburgt accepted the challenge to create graphics, with a limited palette of solid colors, without the ability to mix and bound to material and shape, on the principle that the graphics should appeal to the imagination, that they should radiate friendliness and accessibility for young and old and that they would consist of realistic images integrated into their surroundings. The mosaics on the benches are based on themes such as; "the wind mill of Ermelo", "white peacocks", "the heathland sheep" and "forest wildlife" The sheep and lambs are covered with mosaics as well. On December 13th 2007, the mosaic benches were placed at the following locations:
"Colourful Ermelo"
Fernanda-Hulman Bijker
on the meadow at the Putterweg in Ermelo.
"White peacocks"
Esther Suzanne Koppe-Verburgt
"1 sheep with two lambs"
Esther Suzanne Koppe-Verburgt and Henny Verburgt-Tomassen
on the lawn at the corner Drieërweg / Varenlaan in Ermelo.
"Forest wildlife"
Henny Verburgt-Tomassen
near the parking at the intersection Drieërweg / Grieteweg in Ermelo.
"Heathland sheep" Anneke Granum-Kamerling
"1 sheep with two lambs"
Anneke Granum-Kamerling and Fernanda Hulman-Bijker
at the sheepfold in Ermelo
Project management: Artista.
Tailored art projects
Social art projects
Art projects for schools